Events Calendar

T&T FTC Study Visit

The Jamaica Fair Trading Commission (FTC) continues to facilitate competition law and policy development within the CARICOM region through information sharing and discussions on best practices. From July 18 to 20, 2022, the FTC hosted the Trinidad & Tobago Fair Trading Commission’s Senior Legal Counsel Ms Kristle Maharaj, in a study visit. As a result, Ms Maharaj was exposed to several internal work processes related to the FTC’s core functions. Among the areas described were investigation procedures (case screening, case selection criteria, etc.), complaints handling (evidence gathering, file management), conducting market studies (study proposals, data collection, stakeholder consultation), competition advocacy & public education, and general operations (human resource requirements, case management, project management).

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FTC Presentation to Caribbean Governance Week

Mr. David Miller, Executive Director, participated in Governance Week 2022, hosted by the Caribbean Governance Institute from June 27 to July 1, 2022.  The theme was “Developing the conscience of the board”.  Mr. Miller participated on Day 2 – Governance of the Private Sector, where he was a member of the panel that discussed “Engaging in Fair Trade”.  The other members of that panel were Mr. Bevan Narinesingh, Executive Director of the Fair Trading Commission in Trinidad and Tobago, and Mr. Troy Waterman, Director of the Fair Competition Division of the Barbados Fair Trading Commission.  Ms. Carmel Haynes, Executive Director of the Barbados International Business Association served as the moderator for the panel.

Click to view Mr. Miller’s speaking notes.

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ICN Presentations – Frenemies

“Mr. David Miller, Executive Director, participated in two sessions at the 2022 Annual Conference of the International Competition Network (ICN), held May 4-6, 2022, in Berlin, Germany.

In the Breakout Session entitled “Frenemies – when a regulator’s objectives conflict with those of a competition agency”, Mr. Miller highlighted the FTC’s experience in interacting and collaborating with sector regulators. Mr. Miller’s speaking notes may be accessed here.”

ICN Presentations – Frenemies

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Implementation in the ICN Presentation

Mr. David Miller, Executive Director, participated in two sessions at the 2022 Annual Conference of the International Competition Network (ICN), which was held May 4-6, 2022 in Berlin, Germany.

In the Plenary Session on the “Implementation in the ICN”, Mr. Miller highlighted the FTC’s use of the ICN Merger Guidelines Workbook, in influencing the FTC Merger Guidelines, which were issued in February 2022.  Mr. Miller’s speaking notes may be accessed here.

Implementation in the ICN Presentation

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Speaking Notes for February 24th 2022 Press Briefing

The Fair Trading Commission participated in the CAC/FTC Press Briefing on February 24, 2022, at which Mr. David Miller, Executive Director spoke about the FTC’s recent work and the way forward.  Mr. Miller’s presentation is attached.

Speaking Notes for February 24th 2022 Press Briefing

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19th Annual Shirley Playfair Lecture

The FTC hosted the 19th Annual Shirley Playfair Lecture on December 8, 2021 under the theme “Integrating Competition Law and Consumer Protection Law: Optimizing Consumer Welfare.” Mr. Stephen Calkins, Professor of Law from the Wayne State University, delivered the Lecture where he highlighted the usefulness of a single authority enforcing competition law and consumer protection law and also described issues, concerns and challenges from institutional, legal, operational, marketing, and staffing perspectives.

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18th Annual Shirley Playfair Lecture

The FTC hosted the 18th Annual Shirley Playfair Lecture in November 2020 under the theme “Protecting Competitive Markets and Consumer Welfare during and Post COVID-19 Pandemic.” By way of a panel discussion, the lecture highlighted the range of measures implemented by competition authorities in response to the perceived threat posed by the pandemic. It also addressed the relevance of competition law to the protection of consumer welfare.


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FTC 25th Anniversary Church Service

The Staff, Commissioners and well-wishers of the Fair Trading Commission worshipped at Providence Methodist Church, 132 Old Hope Road, Kingston 6 on Sunday, September 9, 2018 at 9:00am as part of the Commission’s 25th anniversary celebrations. 

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FTC Participates in JIS Think Tank Session

As part of its 25th anniversary celebrations, the FTC  participated in a Think Tank session with the Jamaica Information Service (JIS) on August 24, 2018 at 9:00am. This medium was used to inform the business community, consumers and our stakeholders of the FTC’s history and achievements over the past 25 years, as well as aspects of the way forward for the development of competition law in Jamaica. Dr. Derrick McKoy, Chairman; Mr. David Miller, Executive Director; Dr. Delroy Beckford, Senior Legal Counsel; and Dr. Kevin Harriott, Competition Bureau Chief  participated in the session.

See the links below for more information on the session.


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Shirley Playfair Lecture 2017

On February 22, 2017, the  FTC hosted its  17th lecture in the Shirley Playfair Lecture Series, under the theme “The Quest for Growth: Competition and Industrial Policy, Complementary or Estranged Bedfellows“. The lecture was delivered by Dr. Peter-John Gordon, former Chairman and Commissioner of the FTC and current Lecturer in the Department of Economics at the University of the West Indies.


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