2015 Report


The table below shows the number of cases received, investigated and closed by the Fair Trading Commission during the calendar year 2015.

INDUSTRY CATEGORY Received Investigated Resolved
Advertising 2 2 0
Agricultural Products & Agro Processing 0 1 0
Automobile 20 120 25
Baking 0 1 0
Business Practices 0 2 0
Clothing/Accessories & Textiles 2 3 0
Computers 1 2 1
Construction/Home Repair Supplies 0 1 0
Education 13 27 6
Energy 1 2 0
Financial Services 8 15 3
Food/Supplements & Beverages 3 9 5
Funeral Supplies 0 1 1
Gaming & Contest 0 3 3
Gardening Supplies/Equipment & Horticultural Products 0 0 0
Government Services 1 2 1
Hardware & Electrical Tools 0 2 1
Household Appliances & Accessories 3 9 3
Household Furnishings 0 2 1
Household Miscellaneous 0 1 1
Household Supplies & Products 0 1 0
Industrial Machinery & Products 1 3 1
Insurance 1 4 1
Legal Services 1 1 0
Leisure & Recreation 4 6 2
Media 2 3 1
Medical Care & Services 0 1 1
Medical Supplies & Devices 1 2 1
Office Furnishings/Equipment & Supplies 0 1 0
Payment Services 0 0 0
Petroleum Products & Accessories 1 3 1
Professional & Specialist Services 5 13 5
Publications 0 1 0
Real Estate 0 6 1
Telecommunications 19 76 29
Tourism 0 0 0
Transportation Systems 2 5 1
Utilities 2 3 1
TOTAL 93 334 96