2008 Report


The table below shows the number of cases received, investigated and closed by the Fair Trading Commission during the calendar year 2008.

INDUSTRY CATEGORY Received Investigated Resolved
Agricultural Products & Agro-Processing  0 2  0
Agricultural Supplies & Equipment  0  0  0
Automobile 13 126 91
Business Practices 5 23 9
Clothing/Accessories & Textiles 2 8 7
Computers 3 19 15
Construction/Home Repair Supplies 4 21 10
Education 7 27 17
Energy 2 4 4
Financial Services 13 28 13
Food/Supplements and Beverages 6 16 10
Funeral Supplies 2 3 2
Gaming & Contests 1 4 1
Gardening Supplies/Equipment & Horticultural Products 0 0 0
Government Services 6 13 9
Hardware & Electrical Tools 0 6 5
Household appliances & Accessories 4 46 37
Household Furnishings 5 19 17
Household Miscellaneous 0 4 3
Household supplies & Products 0 4 4
Industrial Chemicals 0 0 0
Industrial Machinery & Products 6 9 7
Insurance 4 21 11
Legal Services 0 3 2
Leisure & Recreation 5 21 10
Livestock 0 2 2
Media 1 3 1
Medical Care & Services 1 4 1
Medical Supplies & Devices 1 1
Office Furnishings/Equipment & Supplies 1 2 1
Packaging 0 1 0
Payment Services 0 0 0
Personal Care 0 0 0
Petroleum Products & Accessories 1 11 6
Professional & Specialist Services 4 19 15
Publications 0 1 1
Real Estate 7 10 4
Telecommunications 59 142 77
Tourism 1 1 1
Tobacco 0 0 0
Transportation Systems 6 32 20
Utilities 7 12 10
TOTAL 177 668 423