Press Releases

FTC Addresses Vehicle Model Year Discrepancy

To date, the Fair Trading Commission (FTC) has received a total of sixty-two (62) complaints from consumers who allege that they purchased vehicles described as one or another model year and later discovered that they are earlier models. Currently, there are nineteen (19) open files. In one complaint reaching the Commission, a consumer purchased a […]

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FTC Examines The Effectiveness of Cell Phone Filters

Recent complaints reaching the Fair Trading Commission suggest that anti-radiation devices which are currently being advertised and sold in Jamaica are not effective in reducing radiation emission from cellular telephones, as claimed. Pursuant to the complaints, the Staff of the Commission requested of one of the companies trading in the devices, substantiation of the claims […]

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Prescription Fee Charges On OTC Drugs

It has come to the attention of the Fair Trading Commission (FTC) that some pharmacies charge a prescription fee for the dispensing of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, without informing customers of such a fee. In effect customers become aware of such a charge only after purchase when their bills reflect a price higher than the price […]

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The Complex World of Credit Card Interest Rate Charges

Complaints reaching the Fair Trading Commission have highlighted the fact that credit cardholders do not always understand how the interest charged to their account is arrived at. Our investigations reveal that the methods of calculating interest charges on credit card transactions can be complex. In several cases, cardholders have expressed the belief that they have […]

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FTC Advisory Regarding The Registrar General’s Department

In recent months, the Fair Trading Commission (FTC) has been receiving complaints about the recurrent failure of the Registrar General’s Department (RGD) to deliver service within the time frames advertised. In an effort to assist the consumer, the FTC has been communicating with the Department to get an understanding of the reasons for its failure […]

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Enforcing Competiton: The Prospects For Jamaicas Growth

One of the most significant recent changes to Jamaica’s commercial landscape has been the introduction of competition into the telecommunications sector. The end of the monopoly era in telecommunications has brought about investment, innovation, and consumer choice. Jamaica can learn from this experience and extend the benefits of competition to other areas of the economy. […]

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FTC Concludes Investigations Into Allegations Of Predatory Pricing

The Fair Trading Commission (FTC) reports that it recently concluded its investigations into three allegations of predatory pricing. The allegations were made against enterprises in the cable television sector, construction and metal products sector and the supermarket sector. In each of the cases, the FTC found no evidence of predatory pricing. Predation constitutes a class […]

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Mobile Phone Telephone Service

The public is being advised that NOT ALL mobile telephones available on the market are compatible with the Cable & Wireless Jamaica (C&WJ) TDMA Communications Network or with the Digicel GSM Network. Mobile telephones which are not distributed by C&WJ are unlikely to afford access to C&WJ mobile network; and similarly, only phase II GSM […]

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