The role of competition law and consumer protection law in consumer welfare protection

In the war of owning the biggest slice of the pie or even owning the entire pie, firms vie arduously to be the winner. Many will try to win at all cost by decimating their rivals or even by forming alliances with rivals in their bids to be conquerors. Like any form of war, there […]

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Competitive Effects of Bundling in Telecommunications

This is the third and final installment in the Fair Trading Commission’s series on bundling services in the telecommunications sector. We live in a global village where individuals are constantly faced with various challenges associated with, among other things, communicating with each other. Up until recently, the challenges arose because communicating face-to-face was not feasible […]

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Consumer Benefit and Detriment from Bundling in Telecommunications

This is the second installment of the Fair Trading Commission’s series on bundling in the telecommunications sector. We live in a global village where individuals are constantly faced with various challenges associated with communicating with others far removed from their immediate environs; the telecommunications (‘telecoms’) sector has evolved to resolve this and other challenges spanning […]

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Bundling in Telecommunications – Provider Incentives

This is the first of three articles on the Fair Trading Commission’s series on bundling in the telecommunications sector. We live in a global village where individuals are constantly faced with various challenges associated with communicating with others far removed from their immediate environs; the telecommunications (‘telecoms’) sector has evolved to resolve these and other […]

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Competition will drive value in gaming

Reference is made to the article ‘WINNING TICKET – Third Lottery Licence Issued to Mahoe Gaming as Court Fight With BGLC Continues’, published in The Gleaner on Monday, July 27, 2020. The article describes an ongoing legal matter between Prime Sports, a subsidiary of Supreme Ventures Limited (SVL), and the Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission […]

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Competition in the Gasoline Market – the Merger Effect

It is without a doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted Jamaica’s economy in several respects, and the reality is that we have yet to experience the full brunt.  Over the past month, world oil prices, specifically the West Texas Intermediate (WTI), have been trending downwards steadily, reducing by approximately 55%.  It is left to […]

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NWC’s Proposed Entry in Bottled Water Market: Enhancing or Distorting Competition

The response from some members of the private sector to the National Water Commission’s (NWC’s) announcement that it intends to enter the bottled water market may be right on point in the allusion to its mandate to pursue public welfare: the response, in the main, being it should confine itself to providing efficient service in […]

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Competition should be favoured over Regulation in the Banking Sector

Recently, Member of Parliament Fitz Jackson piloted a Private Member’s Bill to tighten regulations governing the banking sector. The Bill to Amend the Banking Services Act covers three broad areas: (i) regulation of information to consumers; (ii) regulations of customer service standards; and (iii) regulation of fees charged for ancillary services. The motivation behind the Bill is to […]

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Consumer Choice Cultivates Competition

Consumer choice cultivates competition. This fundamental principle is demonstrated by recent developments in the electricity market. Electricity is important to residential consumers and business consumers (“consumers”) alike. It touches almost all aspects of Jamaican lives. Simple household chores would become mammoth tasks without the aid of washing machines, electric irons and vacuum cleaners. Appliances such […]

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Store-branded Goods or Branded Goods: the Choice of Christmas Past

As we enter the peak of the Yuletide season, an ever present phenomenon is the impromptu disregarding of “common cents” by consumers.  The giving of gifts and the consumption of tons of food are two of the most symbolic and anticipated activities epitomized by the season. The forced tightening of belts induced by the economic […]

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