
The Economics of Prioritizing Socially Sensitive Sectors in Competitive Markets

Prioritizing socially sensitive sectors within competitive markets represents a complex scenario shaped by finding a delicate balance between market dynamics and societal necessities. In the current economic landscape of Jamaica, to balance the market dynamics and societal welfare in socially sensitive sectors pose as a principal challenge. These sectors, such as healthcare, education, environmental preservation, […]

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CCC Press Release on Preliminary Examination of LPG market in selected member states in the CSME

Click to access press-release_LPG.pdf

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Assessment of Spur Trees Jamaica Limited Acquisition of Controlling Interests In Canco Limited

Spur Tree Spices Jamaica (‘Spur Tree’), which manufactures, distributes and sells wet seasonings and sauces, has acquired majority shareholding in Canco Limited (‘Canco’).  Canco trades as Linstead Market and is involved in the agro-processing of foods such as canned ackee and canned callaloo. Spur Tree had responded to an expression of interest from Canco’s directors […]

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T&T FTC Study Visit

The Jamaica Fair Trading Commission (FTC) continues to facilitate competition law and policy development within the CARICOM region through information sharing and discussions on best practices. From July 18 to 20, 2022, the FTC hosted the Trinidad & Tobago Fair Trading Commission’s Senior Legal Counsel Ms Kristle Maharaj, in a study visit. As a result, […]

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FTC promoting competition policy for an inclusive and resilient economy

Published in the Sunday Gleaner on December 5, 2021. Today, the Fair Trading Commission (FTC) joins competition authorities around the world in commemorating ‘World Competition Day’, which was adopted by the United Nations in 1980 to popularise the need for promoting competition reforms. Although this day has been observed for just over two decades, competition […]

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Early Repayment of Personal Loans: Policy of Banks, Credit Unions, and Microfinance Institutions

Loans play at essential role in consumers’ lives as it allows them access to goods and services that they may not have been able to afford otherwise.  For instance, consumers may use loans to acquire major assets such as real estate or motor vehicles, as well as other items such as furniture or household appliance. […]

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Competition: The Cure – A look at the Healthcare System in Jamaica

Imagine being gifted a car of your choice. The only catch is that you must keep that car for the rest of your life. How would you treat that car? Would you service it frequently and do your best to ensure that it never breaks down? Of course, you would! Similarly, we are given one […]

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The role of competition law and consumer protection law in consumer welfare protection

In the war of owning the biggest slice of the pie or even owning the entire pie, firms vie arduously to be the winner. Many will try to win at all cost by decimating their rivals or even by forming alliances with rivals in their bids to be conquerors. Like any form of war, there […]

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Competitive Effects of Bundling in Telecommunications

This is the third and final installment in the Fair Trading Commission’s series on bundling services in the telecommunications sector. We live in a global village where individuals are constantly faced with various challenges associated with, among other things, communicating with each other. Up until recently, the challenges arose because communicating face-to-face was not feasible […]

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Consumer Benefit and Detriment from Bundling in Telecommunications

This is the second installment of the Fair Trading Commission’s series on bundling in the telecommunications sector. We live in a global village where individuals are constantly faced with various challenges associated with communicating with others far removed from their immediate environs; the telecommunications (‘telecoms’) sector has evolved to resolve this and other challenges spanning […]

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