The Commission has the power to carry out investigations in relation to the conduct of business in Jamaica to determine if any enterprise is engaging in practices that are in contravention of the Act. Such investigations may be self-initiated by the Commission or be carried out following a complaint. The Commission has the power to obtain any information that it considers necessary for the purposes of the investigation. All investigations are carried out by the staff of the Commission.
In addition, the Commissioners have the power to summon and examine witnesses; to call for and examine documents; and to administer oaths. Where they find that an arrangement has contravened Sections 17, 20 or 33 of the Act, they may prohibit the arrangement. For prohibitions under Sections 20 and 33, they may also direct the enterprise concerned to take steps that are necessary to overcome any anti-competitive effects resulting from the arrangement.
The Commission can also take to Court any business or individual who has been found guilty of anti-competitive practice and has failed to take corrective measures, after being instructed by the Commissioners.