Report on Petroleum Prices
When it comes to Jamaica’s energy options, the narrative is changing! In December 2014, Nestle Jamaica Limited announced that it would cease local production in January 2015, due to unfavourable energy costs; reducing the price of energy has been an unwavering demand of both residential and commercial consumers alike. Understanding the change in price of […]
Read MoreCompetition Issues in the Distribution of Pharmaceuticals in Jamaica
The free flow of information among market participants is one of the critical assumptions of a competitive market. In 2007, the Fair Trading Commission published a report on the results of its study of the distribution of prescription drugs in Jamaica. The report describes the structure of the various stages of the distribution chain and […]
Read MoreShould Jamaica Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the FTC?
Twenty years have passed since Parliament established the Fair Trading Commission (FTC) in 1993 with the primary objective of positioning competition as the driving force behind economic activity in Jamaica. In the current fiscal year, approximately $73.5 million of scarce public resources have been approved to fund the FTC. Although this represent only one hundredths […]
Read MoreThe Prospects for Competition in the Electricity Sector: from generation to distribution
The concept of electricity is mystifying. While it cannot be seen or stored, electricity can be generated and distributed. Nikola Tesla has been credited for devising the technologies that generate and distribute electrical energy for use in our homes, factories, hospitals and churches. Given the high price of electricity in Jamaica, the debate is focused […]
Read MoreCompetition is about Choice
In line with its mandate to educate the public on competition law and policy, the FTC participated in the North Street United Church Health Fair by presenting on the role and function of the FTC, under the theme “Competition is about Choice”. Download in PDF
Read MoreGuideline on Purchasing Motor Vehicles
The FTC has issued a guideline on the purchasing of motor vehicles. This guideline became necessary to address the high number of complaints from individuals who have purchased motor vehicles in the past 3 years. The guideline provides a check-list for consumers who are purchasing a motor vehicle. These are: confirm the model year, know the […]
Read MoreWhat is the lesson to be learnt from the Telecoms Sector?
The social planner desires for the public to enjoy the maximum surplus from participating in any market. In a market economy, however, suppliers have the discretion of selecting the quality and price of their goods and services. The dilemma faced by the social planner is how to direct economic activity such that merchants choose to […]
Read MoreDebunking myths about the FTC’s jurisdiction
Beyond an ad hominem title that may not necessarily be attributable to Darron Thomas, his response to my ‘Clarifying the Jurisdiction of the FTC’ bears a staunch resistance to reading primary as opposed to secondary research material. I have suggested a careful reading of the cases on the matter (the primary research material), but I will go […]
Read MoreClarifying Inaccuracies on the Jurisdiction of the FTC
In an article entitled Power and Privilege: How the FCA Lost its Teeth, and the FTC, Its Spine published in the Sunday Gleaner of April 3, 2011, Darron Thomas, Lecturer in the School of Business Administration at the University of Technology, made several unfounded and inaccurate statements regarding the Fair Competition Act, 1993,(FCA) and the jurisdiction exercisable […]
Read MoreIn Defence of Consumers & Competition
I make reference to the public debate on the merits and demerits of continuing the suspension the common external tariff (CET) on imported cement. The Government will decide in September 2009 whether to re-impose the 15 percent CET. In an article published in the Daily Observer of Friday, July 3, Mr. Dennis Chung advanced the […]
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